E: support@e-carehub.co.uk

N99. Hand Hygiene: “Below the Elbows”

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N99. Hand Hygiene: “Below the Elbows” Policy Statement This policy applies to all staff in direct contact with people when carrying out personal or nursing care, including providing help with eating and drinking, moving and transferring, taking to the toilet, etc. The policy applies to non-care and senior staff on occasions when they […]

N98. Coronavirus (Covid-19) Test and Trace: Contingency Planning

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N98. Coronavirus (Covid-19) Test and Trace: Contingency Planning Policy Statement This policy sets out the actions to be taken by {{org_field_name}} in the event of a staff member receiving an NHS/Public Health England test and trace alert and who has been identified as a contact of someone who has independently tested positive for […]

N97. Induction Programmes

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N97. Induction Programmes Policy Statement This policy set outs the values, principles and procedures underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to staff induction programmes. Principles {{org_field_name}} understands induction to refer to the initial learning needed by new members of staff to orientate them to the job and the workplace, to get them up and running in […]

N96. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy in Care Services

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N96. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy in Care Services Policy Statement This policy describes the values, principles and procedures that underpin {{org_field_name}}’s approach to any situation where it becomes aware of, or has evidence of, involvement or the risk of involvement, direct or indirect, in enterprises that subject people to conditions that […]

N95. Staff Occupational Health

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N95. Staff Occupational Health Policy Statement {{org_field_name}}’s occupational health policy is to take all reasonable steps to prevent work-related ill-health, and to support the general health and wellbeing of its employees at all times. Legal Requirements To comply with the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974, the Management of Health and […]

N94. Equal Opportunities

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N94. Equal Opportunities Policy Statement {{org_field_name}} is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to equality of opportunity, diversity and to providing a service and following practices which are free from unfair and unlawful discrimination. It is this organisation’s policy to treat all job applicants and employees fairly and equally, regardless of sex, […]

N93. Employees’ Religion and Belief Observance

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N93. Employees’ Religion and Belief Observance Policy Statement Many religions and beliefs are represented in our multi-cultural society and {{org_field_name}} recognises that people may wish to observe the requirements of their chosen religion or belief system while at work. {{org_field_name}} aims to ensure a fair and consistent approach in the management of such […]

N92. Staff Deployment and Retention

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N92. Staff Deployment and Retention Policy Statement To keep its staff and avoid unhelpful turnover, {{org_field_name}} is committed to being a “good employer” by: To promote a satisfying workplace, {{org_field_name}} aims to be fully compliant with current staffing regulations. It carefully monitors and reviews its staffing complement and turnover and terms and conditions […]

N91. Young Workers

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N91. Young Workers General Statement While generic precautions taken to protect the health and safety of the workforce as a whole will, in many cases, also protect young persons, there are occasions when different and/or additional measures will be necessary. This policy aims to reduce any identified risks to young persons and provide […]

N90. Workplace Mediation

{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} N90. Workplace Mediation Policy Statement In line with discipline and grievance provisions established through the Acas Code of Practice, {{org_field_name}} wishes to provide an opportunity to resolve any issues that arise through mediation. Workplace mediation is based on the principles of encouraging constructive communication in a safe and confidential environment identifying mutual solutions […]