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Moving from {{org_field_name}} (Younger Adults) (England) Policy

Policy Statement

This policy sets out the values, principles and procedures underpinning this care provider’s approach to helping people using services move from the home in line with their care and support plans.

It follows the principles of person-centred care practice as required by the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, {{org_field_name}}’s responsibilities under the Care Act 2014, the Competition and Markets Authority UK guidance on consumer law (2018) and CQC guidance Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture (2020).

This care provider has a move-on strategy that considers all relevant local circumstances and conditions such as local authority housing policies, availability of resources, development of new resources and other key factors influencing effective move-on planning and implementation.

In line with best practice {{org_field_name}} helps the people who come to live here to be as independent as possible. It encourages people to have a full social life outside as well as inside of the home, taking part in any community activities in which they are interested and able to join. The home helps them to find suitable education, training and jobs according to their abilities and interests.

The aim is to have all the home’s residents leading the sort of life they would if living in an “ordinary” household as opposed to a registered care home.

The home then encourages — and in some cases expects — its residents to move on to live an even more independent lifestyle by becoming tenants or owners of their own accommodation. If a person expresses an interest or has already achieved a certain level of independence and it is in their best interests to move on, the home will, in consultation and partnership with relatives, social workers and others involved in the person’s welfare, carefully assess the factors that must be considered in the decision-taking.

This process involves working with the person or persons to assess their reasons, the potential benefits and disadvantages of such a move, any risks to personal and others’ safety and the many material and practical issues that must be addressed. Where applicable, users’ goals for moving on are established at the earliest possible stage and recorded in their service plan.

Preparation and Planning

Once a decision in principle is taken, detailed planning and preparations can go ahead. The process forms part of the person’s continuing needs assessment and service planning. Usually one person, a key worker, is appointed to work with the person and with other care staff and professionals to form a detailed action plan or moving-on pathway and the arrangements that proceed from it.

Key to the plan will be the finding of suitable accommodation, work or occupation, including education and training, other sources of income and any continuation of the personal, emotional and social support that the person may need.

The home records on the person’s plan all the actions to be taken in the preparations and planning in order to move on successfully. It then discusses with the other agencies involved the person’s continuing support needs and how they will be addressed. It will also negotiate any direct role it might have in the provision of post-move support.

The home provides extensive supervision and training to its staff so that they can offer the best possible help to people preparing to leave the home and after.

The management of the home make sure that the staff helping a person to move on are clear about their respective roles and responsibilities.

The home’s policies and strategies are regularly reviewed so that they can be continuously improved in line with its quality assurance procedures.


When a person leaves or it is decided that he or she should leave {{org_field_name}}, the home will follow these procedures.

• The home will develop with the person receiving care and other key people involved a leaving plan.
• The plan will:
a) clearly state the reasons for the person leaving the current home
b) specify the care and support with the resources needed by the person in their new situation
c) summarise the services that have already been provided
d) evaluate the experiences and achievement of the goals and objectives of the person so far
e) provide opportunities to visit or get to know the new situation and to provide support on the tasks to be completed in the new situation to enable the person to live independently
f) discuss any risks involved with the person and others involved including any new provider.
• The moving on plan will be developed and explained to the person in a language or manner that they understands.
• All details and information will be recorded on the parson’s care and support plan.
• A leaving date will be set with the person and the new provider (where applicable).
• A manager or appropriate staff member, eg key worker, will discuss with the person their experiences of living in the current home and (where appropriate and applicable) asking the person (and others involved with the person) to complete the home’s evaluation/satisfaction questionnaire before they leave.
• All relevant information and documentation will be passed on to agencies involved in the person’s current and future care and support (where applicable) as quickly as possible.
• All information passed on will be up to date, complete and accurate, and has the consent of the person to be passed on.
• There will be full co-operation and communication with all health and social care agencies and professionals involved in the person’s wellbeing.

Where a person is moving to relatives or carers or some form of independent accommodation, or as a young person is subject to a transition plan, the above procedures will be followed as far as is reasonably practical.

Self-discharge at Short Notice

Similarly, where a person decides to leave at short notice or a decision is taken for that person to leave at short notice, every effort will be made to make sure that all relevant information is communicated as quickly as possible to the new situation.

In the event of a person demanding to be discharged at short notice, {{org_field_name}} will do the following.

  1. The person’s legal right to leave will be respected.
  2. The home will do all that it can to advise and encourage the person to stay while they plan the move with others involved in the person’s welfare.
  3. In the event of the person still demanding to leave, they will be asked to sign a form stating that they are leaving against the advice of the home.
  4. The person’s social worker, key worker, case manager or CPN will be informed (as applicable).

In the event of a person who seeks to leave and about whom there are concerns regarding their safety or to the safety of others, the home will immediately alert the social worker or people responsible for the person’s safety and wellbeing to discuss and decide actions that can be legitimately taken.

Safeguarding and Protection, Including Deprivation of Liberty

{{org_field_name}} recognises that a person’s moving-on plan needs to include assessments of risks to their safety and how he or she should be protected from risks of abuse and exploitation, particularly the safeguarding of their personal finances and possessions.

The individual, their family members, carers and support workers are all provided with information about the local area’s safeguarding unit and work, including contact details.

It is recognised that people who move into supported living and shared lives schemes, whose care and treatment involve degrees of restrictiveness that could amount to a deprivation of their liberty might need to be assessed against the “acid test” for deprivation of liberty, which was formulated in the Supreme Court judgment of March 2014. This test considers whether an individual:

It is recognised that all three elements must be present for the acid test to be met. If they are present, then it will be necessary to seek authorisation of the care and treatment arrangements that are resulting in a loss of personal liberty and human rights.

The advice of the local safeguarding board will be sought to determine the course of action, which is seen to serve the person’s interests best.


All staff who work with people using the service to make the move from {{org_field_name}} to alternative accommodation receive training and supervision appropriate to their roles and responsibilities so that people have positive experiences when “moving on”.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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