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Sustainable Development Policy

Policy Statement

This care organisation recognises that environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important in society and that businesses have both a legal and an ethical duty to ensure that they behave in an environmentally sensitive and acceptable way.

The organisation is committed to improving upon its environmental performance by complying with relevant guidance and regulation and by adopting modern methods of environmental management and sustainable development wherever practicable.

Aim of this Policy

The aim of this policy is to enable {{org_field_name}} to:

  1. reduce its impact on the environment
  2. ensure compliance with environmental legislation and regulations
  3. ensure the effectiveness of its environmental management systems
  4. reduce its use of energy and resources
  5. minimise its waste
  6. reduce unforeseen environmental risks.

The policy should be read in conjunction with the organisation’s policies and procedures on waste management.

Definition of Sustainable Development

{{org_field_name}} understands “sustainable development” to refer to an approach to development where the needs of present businesses and societies are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Most importantly this includes the effective protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources.

Waste Management and Recycling

All organisations produce waste and are increasingly required to ensure that they deal with that waste in an environmentally acceptable way that is compliant with the law.

The vast majority of household, commercial and industrial waste is disposed of to landfill and all waste disposal activities at landfill sites are tightly regulated by a waste management licensing system in force under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

The aim of Government sustainability policy is to reduce the percentage of waste being disposed of in landfill year on year by increasing the reusing of items, increasing the composting of organic waste and by increasing and developing recycling schemes.

In this care service:

  1. all waste will be segregated into appropriate waste streams prior to disposal
  2. all waste appropriate for recycling (ie plastics, paper, tins and glass) will be placed in the appropriate receptacles ready for collection by recycling services
  3. all other domestic waste will be placed inside black waste bags
  4. all hazardous or clinical waste will be placed in yellow waste bags in accordance with the Clinical Waste Policy
  5. all “sharps” will be placed inside purpose-built sharps disposal boxes in accordance with the Clinical Waste Policy
  6. all electrical waste will be disposed of according to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations (WEEE)
  7. discarded furniture and office equipment will be offered to charity for recycling or reuse.

The organisation intends to comply with all current national and local waste management laws, policies and procedures. The organisation will liaise regularly with the appropriate local authority department to regularly review its performance in this area.

Energy Efficiency

Energy for lighting, heating and ventilation is expensive and conserving or making best use of energy is not only good for the environment but for also saves money as well.

To conserve power, staff should:

  1. turn off non-essential lights and power sources when not in use
  2. keep windows and doors closed when using heating
  3. report malfunctioning thermostats on radiators immediately.

In addition, the organisation will invest in energy efficient buildings by:

  1. installing and running energy efficient boilers and heating systems
  2. using “smart” metering to monitor usage
  3. ensuring that boilers and heating systems are regularly serviced and properly maintained
  4. ensuring that energy efficient light bulbs and low power or energy efficient equipment are used wherever possible
  5. ensuring that all buildings, pipes and lofts are properly insulated and maintained
  6. monitoring bills and arranging “green” gas and electricity tariffs.

Water Wastage

Water is also an expensive resource that should not be wasted. In {{org_field_name}}, water will be metered and its use monitored. Staff should ensure that they only use as much water as is necessary. They should report any dripping taps or leaking pipes immediately.

Sustainable Procurement

{{org_field_name}} should ensure that all resources, goods and services are only bought or contracted from organisations and companies who have sustainable use policies in place. Those staff responsible for purchasing should ensure that suppliers use environmentally acceptable packaging.


Pollution will be minimised by:

  1. investing in cleaner equipment and processes wherever practicable
  2. ensuring that existing equipment is maintained and serviced
  3. ensuring that any dangerous substances are used and disposed of properly.


Transport is a major source of carbon emissions, of fuel use and of pollution worldwide. In {{org_field_name}} the environmental impact of transport used will be minimised by:

  1. ensuring that all vehicles and transports operated by the organisation are serviced regularly and are kept in good condition, thus enabling them to run efficiently
  2. eliminating the use of vehicles for unnecessary trips
  3. encouraging and facilitating vehicle sharing where possible
  4. moving to low-emission vehicle use wherever possible
  5. supporting staff use of public transport, cycling and walking to travel to and from work.

Environmental Management Systems

{{org_field_name}} will co-ordinate its sustainable development processes through the implementation of an appropriate Environmental Management System (EMS).

As part of the organisation’s EMS it will:

  1. identify and monitor any environmental impacts of the organisations activities and wastes through the use of an environmental audit
  2. set measurable targets to continually improve environmental performance
  3. review this policy and environmental performance regularly
  4. keep relevant environmental records and reports
  5. provide environmental awareness training for staff.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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