E: support@e-carehub.co.uk



D342. Responsive Services in Domiciliary Care

Aim of the Policy

This document outlines the policy of {{org_field_name}} in relation to providing services which are responsive to our service users’ needs and preferences.


{{org_field_name}} aims to make its services as responsive as possible to service users’ needs and preferences, in accordance with the following principles.

  1. Reliability. We aim to ensure that our service can be absolutely depended on by service users.
  2. Flexibility. We are prepared at any time to adjust {{org_field_name}} we provide to meet the changing needs and preferences of service users.
  3. Continuity. Our service is planned to provide the maximum degree of continuity and the fewest possible changes for service users.
  4. Communication. We undertake to consult and communicate with service users and their representatives as fully as possible about their service.

Our Legal Obligations

{{org_field_name}} will fulfil, and where possible exceed, all legal requirements governing the conduct of domiciliary care agencies.

Our commitment

In line with the standards to which we are committed by virtue of our registration with the Care Quality Commission, we will always strive to:

  1. provide care workers who are reliable and dependable, arriving promptly and working the full period allocated
  2. offer a flexible service so that, for example, care workers ask service users on each visit whether they have any particular needs or requirements
  3. only change care workers for a limited range of legitimate reasons (see Changes of a Service User’s Care or Support Workers below)
  4. consult service users or their representatives in advance about a significant change of care worker
  5. keep service users and their representatives fully informed on care matters.

Changes of a Service User’s Care or Support Workers

The list below is an example of the limited range of legitimate reasons for interrupting continuity in relation to the workers who provide services to each service user. We therefore undertake specifically only to change a service user’s care or support worker in one or more of the following situations.

  1. The worker is sick or on holiday.
  2. The worker is undertaking training.
  3. The worker ceases to be employed by {{org_field_name}}.
  4. {{org_field_name}} requirements change to an extent that the worker lacks the necessary skills, physical capacity or specialist training to continue to provide a service.
  5. There is a requirement for additional hours or changed times of services which the worker cannot fulfil.
  6. {{org_field_name}} user makes a legitimate request for a change of worker.
  7. A non-professional relationship has developed between the worker and {{org_field_name}} user.
  8. The work situation has become so stressful for a worker that they need relief.
  9. The worker is suffering abuse or discrimination.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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