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Supporting Self-care and Treatment (Wales) Policy

{{org_field_name}} (care home or domiciliary care) considers in line with its requirements under the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 that every person using services has the right to freedom and choice over how they wish to live their lives and should be enabled to live with as much independence as possible. This includes aspects of caring for themselves, often referred to as “self-care”.

{{org_field_name}} accepts that the relationship between the role of {{org_field_name}} to “care for” an individual and to help an individual maintain their independence and autonomy through self-care is a complex one and believes that living with such independence is a key element in living with freedom and dignity.

{{org_field_name}} considers that people should be able to express their views, so far as they are able to do so, about their care, treatment and support and should be involved in making decisions about their own care.

These decisions should then be reflected in the agreed plan of care for each individual. They should have their views and experiences taken into account in the way services are provided and delivered and should be helped to be self-caring wherever possible.

Where people require help in self-caring, or in making decisions about their care, they should be provided with the appropriate help and support, including independent advocacy.

{{org_field_name}} also recognises its legal and moral duty to protect and care for people, some of whom are vulnerable and might not always be capable of making choices that are to their, or any other people’s, benefit.


{{org_field_name}}’s approach is to ensure that people using services have as much freedom of choice in their lives as is possible so long as that freedom does not expose them, any other person, member of staff or member of the public to unacceptable risk.

Each person has an individualised plan which is agreed with them, or with their representatives or relatives, following a careful and ongoing assessment of the needs of the person using services. People using services have full involvement with the care planning process, which takes into account the person’s wishes, abilities and potential for self-care.

The planning and delivery of care will at all times be designed to:

  1. meet the person’s individual needs, including their self-care needs
  2. be centred on the person as an individual and consider all aspects of their individual circumstances, including their immediate and longer-term care and self-care needs
  3. identify any risks and ensure the welfare and safety of the person receiving care
  4. ensure that risk assessments balance safety and effectiveness with the right of the person to make choices, taking account of their capacity to make those choices and their right to take informed risks
  5. reflect, where appropriate, published research evidence and guidance issued by appropriate professional and expert bodies as to good practice in relation to care and treatment
  6. put in place all reasonable adjustments in service provision to meet the person’s individual self-care needs, where necessary by working closely with other health and social care bodies and organisations.

Staff will:

  1. ensure that plans of care, treatment and support are implemented, flexible, regularly reviewed for their effectiveness, changed if found to be ineffective and kept up to date in recognition of the changing needs of the person using services
  2. always be aware of and respect people’s rights to make their own decisions and choices about their health and social care options
  3. avoid being overprotective or patronising to people receiving care
  4. help people to be involved in identifying their care, treatment and support options by ensuring that the alternatives, risks and benefits of each are explained
  5. ensure that people who may have capacity issues are supported in the making of informed decisions about self-care in line with the Mental Capacity Act and are given access to all reasonable support, such as independent advocacy
  6. never attempt to bully or use force to coerce people into accessing health or social care options against their wishes
  7. remember their duty to protect people and to ensure a safe environment for them to live in
  8. quickly recognise when a person becomes seriously ill, physically and/or mentally, and requires additional treatment, care and support, particularly if they have been previously self-caring; in such cases, staff should immediately respond to meet their needs and should prompt a review of the care plan.

If for any reason a member of staff perceives the need to limit or restrict any of these choices and freedoms the reasons should be discussed with {{org_field_name}} manager and a suitable entry written into the person’s notes.


All staff are responsible for the implementation of this policy. Overall responsibility for ensuring the policy is implemented, monitored and reviewed rests with {{org_field_name}} manager. Information on the policy will be:

  1. circulated to all staff
  2. provided to all new employees
  3. included in all other relevant policies, including those on assessment of needs, administration of medication and care planning.


All staff will receive training to recognise people’s rights and understand the issues around self-care, autonomy and freedom.

The training begins with induction, during which the service’s philosophy and policies are clearly stated to all new staff.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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