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N39. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


The purpose of a policy on equality, diversity and inclusion is to make sure that {{org_field_name}} is fully committed to these principles and values and to communicate this commitment to all stakeholders. The policy should always be referred to wherever differences of view based on lack of understanding or prejudice about diversity, equality and inclusion are evident. The commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion should be included in {{org_field_name}}’s statement of purpose and information produced for the people who use its services. It should be instrumental in many aspects of {{org_field_name}}’s practice including in its capacity to provide a responsive service to meet diverse needs and corresponding staff recruitment and selection.


  1. To ensure that no person applying for a service will be refused on discriminatory grounds, eg because of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc when they meet all other admission criteria.
  2. To ensure that inferior or substandard services are not provided because of a person’s ethnicity, sexual orientation or any grounds on which discrimination can occur.
  3. To work out with each service user what they want and need and how they will be provided with the required service. This will be influenced by the individual’s gender, culture, personal choices and other characteristics and it should not be assumed everyone wants the same thing.
  4. To encourage service users and staff to relate to one another on the basis of equality and respect for individual differences.
  5. To develop an attitude of self-awareness among the staff and service users to ensure any form of discriminatory behaviour, such as offensive or abusive language, does not occur and to communicate that it is unacceptable in whatever form it might take and from whichever person.
  6. To ensure that service users and staff are continuously aware of the procedures for dealing with complaints and allegations of discriminatory or oppressive language or behaviour.
  7. To ensure that all complaints and allegations are addressed properly and in non-discriminatory ways.

Legal Compliance

{{org_field_name}} is committed to achieving compliance with the following Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 that reflect equality, diversity and inclusion values and principles.

{{org_field_name}} understands that inspectors are also prompted in the Key Lines of Enquiry published by the CQC to ask how people are protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm and abuse that may breach their human rights.

{{org_field_name}} understands that providers must fully comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

Policy Statement

This policy applies to anyone receiving a service from {{org_field_name}}, including service users who are children and their families.

Equality, diversity and inclusion means that every service user — adult or child — has their individual needs comprehensively addressed. They will be treated equally and without discrimination. This is regardless of the individual’s ethnic background, language, culture, faith, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other aspect that could result in their being discriminated against purely because they have such characteristics.

{{org_field_name}} aims to celebrate differences (because of ethnic background, etc) between individuals. It avoids treating people unequally. It recognises that treating people unequally can result in their losing their dignity, respect, self-esteem and self-worth and ability to make choices.

{{org_field_name}} does not assume that equality, diversity and inclusion principles and policies apply only to {{org_field_name}}’s staff. Service users must also respect the ethnicity, culture, religion, gender and any disabilities of staff and not discriminate against them on any of these grounds when expressing their views and preferences.

{{org_field_name}} makes clear that it finds unacceptable any form of racist and similar discriminatory behaviour from any source.

{{org_field_name}} also builds these policies into its external contractual relationships.

Expressions of Commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

{{org_field_name}} expresses its commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion by:

  1. respecting service users’ ethnic, cultural and religious practices
  2. reassuring its service users that their diverse backgrounds enhance the quality of experience of {{org_field_name}}
  3. accepting service users as individuals, not as cases or stereotypes
  4. involving service users to express their individuality and to follow their preferred lifestyle, also helping them to celebrate events, anniversaries or festivals which are important to them as individuals
  5. showing positive leadership and having management and human resources practices that actively demonstrate a commitment to equality and diversity principles
  6. developing an ethos throughout {{org_field_name}} that reflects these values and principles
  7. expecting all staff to work to equality and diversity principles and policies and to behave at all times in non-discriminatory ways
  8. providing training, supervision and support to enable staff to do this
  9. having a code of conduct that makes any form of discriminatory behaviour unacceptable; this is applicable to both staff and service users and is rigorously observed and monitored accordingly
  10. carrying out regular assessments of the impact of our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion on policies, service users and service provision generally.


All staff are trained to follow {{org_field_name}}’s policies on equality and diversity. The training is regularly refreshed and updated.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

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