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N40. First Aid

General Statement

{{org_field_name}} is committed to providing sufficient numbers of first-aid personnel to deal with accidents and injuries at work.

{{org_field_name}} will provide information and training on first aid to employees to ensure that statutory requirements and the needs of {{org_field_name}} are met.

Should employees have concerns about the provision of first aid, they should inform a responsible person so {{org_field_name}} can investigate and rectify the situation if necessary.

The person responsible for the implementation of this policy is _____________________.


First-aid personnel

First-aid personnel are employees who have volunteered for the role and have been assessed as suitable. {{org_field_name}} will also nominate an appointed person to take charge if a first aider is unavailable in exceptional circumstances. {{org_field_name}} understands that the appointed person does not need to be a qualified first aider but will be given a clear indication of the responsibilities required and will be appropriately trained.

First aiders are qualified personnel who have received formal training in accordance with risk-assessed requirements of {{org_field_name}} First-aid personnel will be provided with refresher training at regular intervals to keep their skills up to date.

{{org_field_name}} will ensure there are sufficient first-aid personnel within the workplace to adequately cover every shift. This includes night shifts and weekend working. Notices will be displayed in all workplaces, giving the location of first-aid equipment and the names and locations of relevant personnel.

Legal indemnity of first aiders

It is unlikely that first-aid personnel giving assistance to a colleague will become subject to legal action because of deterioration in the colleague’s condition. However, {{org_field_name}} can guard against this possibility by providing, through its insurance policies, indemnification for any member of staff who assists an employee who becomes ill or is injured.

First-aid boxes

First-aid boxes will be provided within the workplace as required to ensure there are adequate supplies for the nature of the hazards involved. Only specified first-aid supplies will be kept. No creams, lotions or drugs, however seemingly mild, will be kept.

First-aid kits of the appropriate size and type will be placed in strategic locations as indicated by a first-aid risk assessment.

The location of first-aid boxes and the name of the person responsible for their upkeep will be clearly indicated on noticeboards. First-aid boxes will display the:

  1. name of the person responsible for upkeep
  2. nearest location of further supplies
  3. contents of the box and replenishing arrangements
  4. location of the accident book.

First-aid boxes will be maintained and restocked when necessary by authorised personnel. These personnel will be aware of the procedure for re-ordering supplies.

Portable first-aid kits

Portable first-aid kits will be available for staff members required to work away from the normal workplace, where access to facilities may be restricted, such as:

  1. work with potentially dangerous tools and machinery away from base location
  2. staff travelling abroad on business
  3. staff travelling in vehicles on a regular basis, eg sales executives or delivery personnel
  4. staff whose work takes them to isolated or remote locations
  5. staff participating in sporting or social events arranged or supported by {{org_field_name}}

First-aid room

A first-aid room will be provided to assist first aiders when giving treatment. Access to the first-aid room will be obtained from authorised personnel. All staff, especially new recruits, must be made aware of the location of the room. The location of the first-aid room will be arranged so that corridors and lifts, etc are large enough to allow for a stretcher, wheelchair or carrying chair to be used safely and easily.

Recording accidents

All accidents, however minor, must be recorded. {{org_field_name}} will provide an accident book in which all incidents must be noted. The accident book will be housed in a central location, details of which are displayed on first-aid boxes.

It is the responsibility of employees to ensure they complete an entry in the accident book as soon as possible after an injury. When the injured person is unable to enter an account into the accident book, the first aider or witness (where relevant) should do so. When an accident results in admittance to hospital or inability to continue work, the relevant manager must be informed immediately.

First-aid supplies

For the purposes of maintaining first-aid supplies, first aiders should keep a record of supplies used, by whom and for what reason.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

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