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N42. Giving and Receiving References

{{org_field_name}} has adopted this policy on giving and receiving references for employees.

When giving a reference, {{org_field_name}} is under a duty of care to ensure that what is written is accurate, factual and not misleading. For this reason, references in respect of current or former employees may only be provided by __________ and not by line managers or supervisors.

It is {{org_field_name}}’s policy to request two written references in respect of each new recruit and to make all offers of employment conditional upon those references being satisfactory to {{org_field_name}}. __________ will be responsible for writing the reference request letters.


Giving References

  1. Although there is no legal requirement to do so, {{org_field_name}} will generally agree to provide written references in respect of employees who are leaving, or who have previously left {{org_field_name}}’s employment.
  2. Prior to an employee’s termination date with {{org_field_name}}, the Manager will ask the employee whether it is his or her wish that {{org_field_name}} should provide written references if asked to do so in the future by a prospective employer (or other organisation, for example a bank or building society). A note indicating the employee’s response will be placed on the employee’s file.
  3. All requests for references must be passed promptly to [enter name or job designation of authorised person, usually the manager] who will ensure that an accurate reference is provided in line with {{org_field_name}}’s policy.
  4. When a reference is requested, {{org_field_name}} will respond by letter. No references will be given verbally, on the telephone, by fax or by e-mail. The reference will contain only factual information, and will not state personal opinions about the employee’s performance or conduct. The reference will include information about:

a. the start and finish date of the employee’s employment with {{org_field_name}}
b. the employee’s job title or designation
c. a brief description of the employee’s key duties and level of responsibility
d. other jobs that the employee held within {{org_field_name}} prior to the job he or she held at the date of termination, and the start/and finish dates of these jobs
e. a statement confirming the circumstances of the termination of the employee’s employment, ie whether it occurred as a result of the employee’s resignation, dismissal, redundancy or expiry of a fixed term contract.

  1. Only information that is known to the employee will be included in the reference.

Requesting References

  1. Managers should:

a. inform all job applicants who are interviewed that {{org_field_name}} will require two written references, normally from previous employers, and that any offer of employment will be conditional on those references being satisfactory to {{org_field_name}}
b. seek the applicant’s consent as to the names of at least two proposed referees.

  1. Managers must on no account attempt to make “secret” enquiries about a prospective employee, whether on the telephone, on social media or otherwise. Every individual has the right to know and to be asked for his or her consent before any check is made on any aspect of his or her background.
  2. When a job offer is sent out, [enter name or job designation of authorised person, usually the manager] will write to two prospective referees to seek a reference.
  3. If a reference is received which contains any negative or adverse comments about the individual, {{org_field_name}} will not assume that this information is accurate, nor that any information provided by the candidate was inaccurate or deliberately misleading. Instead {{org_field_name}} will seek further information, either by contacting the candidate and inviting him or her to a further interview, or by seeking his or her consent to apply for further references.
  1. inform all job applicants who are interviewed that {{org_field_name}} will require two written references, normally from previous employers, and that any offer of employment will be conditional on those references being satisfactory to {{org_field_name}}
    1. seek the applicant’s consent as to the names of at least two proposed referees.
  2. Managers must on no account attempt to make “secret” enquiries about a prospective employee, whether on the telephone, on social media or otherwise. Every individual has the right to know and to be asked for his or her consent before any check is made on any aspect of his or her background.
  3. When a job offer is sent out, [enter name or job designation of authorised person, usually the manager] will write to two prospective referees to seek a reference.
  4. If a reference is received which contains any negative or adverse comments about the individual, {{org_field_name}} will not assume that this information is accurate, nor that any information provided by the candidate was inaccurate or deliberately misleading. Instead {{org_field_name}} will seek further information, either by contacting the candidate and inviting him or her to a further interview, or by seeking his or her consent to apply for further references.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

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