Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}
Lone Working and Staff Safety Policy
1. Introduction
At {{org_field_name}}, we recognise that lone working is an integral part of supported living. Many of our staff members provide essential support services to individuals in their own homes, often working alone without direct supervision. While this allows tenants to maintain their independence and receive personalised care, it also presents specific risks to staff safety.
Our commitment to lone working safety is based on legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and the Regulatory Bodies such as CQC and Local Authorities Regulation 12 – Safe Care and Treatment. This policy sets out how we assess, manage, and reduce risks associated with lone working to protect our employees while ensuring high-quality care.
2. Purpose and Scope
This policy applies to all employees who work alone while providing support services in the community. It is also relevant to managers and supervisors responsible for assessing risks and implementing safe working practices. The policy covers situations where employees are required to provide personal care, conduct tenant visits, travel between tenants, or work outside normal office hours. By implementing this policy, we aim to create a safer working environment for all lone workers.
3. Understanding Lone Working Risks
Lone working refers to situations where an employee performs their duties without direct supervision or in isolated conditions. In supported living, this often includes working in unfamiliar or potentially high-risk environments. Risks may arise from multiple factors, including the behaviour of tenants, environmental hazards in the home, or the location of the visit.
To mitigate these risks, {{org_field_name}} conducts thorough risk assessments before any lone working assignments commence. These risk assessments consider factors such as the service user’s health and behavioural history, the safety of the physical environment, and the geographical location of the visit. If risks are identified, appropriate control measures are put in place, such as enhanced supervision, training, or the use of technology to monitor staff safety.
4. Risk Assessment and Prevention Strategies
Risk assessment is an essential component of our approach to lone worker safety. Before any employee starts lone working, we conduct an initial assessment to evaluate the level of risk associated with the task and location. This includes assessing whether there is a history of aggressive behaviour from the service user, whether there are environmental hazards such as poor lighting or unsafe entry points, and whether the location is in an area with a high crime rate.
In addition to the initial risk assessment, employees are trained to conduct dynamic risk assessments during their visits. This means they continuously evaluate the safety of their surroundings and can withdraw if they feel unsafe. Our employees are empowered to make decisions about their personal safety, and our management team supports them in prioritising their well-being above all else.
To further enhance safety, {{org_field_name}} has implemented a robust communication system. All lone workers are required to check in before and after each visit using a designated app or phone system. In cases where staff feel at risk or encounter difficulties, they have access to an emergency contact number that connects them directly to a supervisor who can provide immediate assistance.
5. Training and Awareness
We believe that equipping our employees with the right knowledge and skills is one of the most effective ways to keep them safe. All lone workers receive mandatory training on personal safety, conflict resolution, and risk assessment. This training includes strategies for de-escalating potentially aggressive situations, recognising early warning signs of danger, and using emergency procedures if required.
In addition to general safety training, employees also receive specific safeguarding training in line with safeguarding regulations for Supported Living. This training ensures that our staff understand how to identify and report abuse or neglect, both in relation to themselves and the tenants they support.
6. Technology and Equipment to Enhance Safety
We have invested in technology and equipment to support the safety of our lone workers. Each employee is issued a personal alarm, which can be used in emergencies to alert management to their location and need for assistance. Where required, we also provide GPS tracking systems that allow supervisors to monitor staff locations during their shifts.
For employees working in high-risk areas or with tenants who have a history of aggression, we may implement additional measures such as alarms, car dashcams, or geo-location tracking. These measures provide an added layer of security by documenting incidents and discouraging threatening behaviour.
7. Travel and Transport Safety
Safe travel between tenants’ homes is a crucial aspect of lone worker safety. Employees are advised to use well-lit and populated routes whenever possible and to avoid isolated areas at night. If staff members are required to drive as part of their job, they must ensure that their vehicle is properly maintained, insured, and equipped with necessary safety features.
We provide mileage reimbursement for staff who use their personal vehicles for work, and we monitor weather conditions to alert employees about potential travel hazards. Employees are encouraged to report any unsafe travel conditions, and alternative arrangements are made where necessary to ensure their safety.
8. Incident Reporting and Emergency Response
Despite all preventive measures, there may be situations where lone workers encounter difficulties.
In case of a life-threatening situation staff should call Emergency Services on 999 or 112.
It is essential that all incidents, no matter how minor, are reported to management so that appropriate action can be taken. This includes incidents of verbal abuse, threats, physical assault, or any situation where an employee feels unsafe.
Where to report:
1) Verbally to the Registered Manager or Safeguarding Lead
2) Inform the Registered Manager by email: {{org_field_registered_manager_email}}
3) Call the office and inform the Registered Manager or Safeguarding Lead: {{org_field_phone_no}}
4) Out of hours phone number: {{out_of_hours}}
Our emergency response procedure includes (where needed) a Code Red Alert, which staff can activate if they feel threatened. Once activated, management will take immediate action, which may include contacting emergency services or dispatching a supervisor to the location. Any incidents reported are thoroughly investigated, and if necessary, adjustments are made to working arrangements to prevent future occurrences.
In accordance with statutory reporting requirements, serious incidents are reported to the appropriate authorities, and tenants who pose a significant risk to staff may have their care arrangements reviewed.
9. Employee Well-being and Support
We understand that lone working can be stressful, and we are committed to supporting our employees’ mental and emotional well-being. Employees who experience distressing situations are offered counselling services, and debriefing sessions are conducted following serious incidents. Staff are also encouraged to participate in peer support groups where they can share experiences and discuss challenges with colleagues.
Our open-door policy ensures that employees feel comfortable discussing safety concerns with management. We regularly seek feedback from staff about their lone working experiences and use this information to continuously improve our safety measures.
10. Compliance and Policy Review
This policy is reviewed annually or sooner if there is a significant change in risks or regulations. Compliance with this policy is mandatory, and all employees must read and acknowledge their understanding of the procedures outlined. Managers are responsible for ensuring that all staff adhere to safety protocols and that appropriate risk assessments are conducted.
By implementing this Lone Working and Staff Safety Policy, {{org_field_name}} ensures that we fulfil our duty of care to employees while maintaining a high standard of care for our tenants. Our commitment to safety, training, and support enables our workforce to perform their roles with confidence, knowing that their well-being is prioritised at all times.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
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